We’re all longing for some time (and serious and drinks & food!) with colleagues. There is no question, such time and events will be back – perhaps even in 2020.
There is an opportunity to be first out-of-the-gate and gratefully/wonderfully remembered by your clients, staff and industry. Who will forget the company that confidently brought everyone back together to an industry update?
The Human Side
4+ months of Zooming – and in-home meetings/calls – has people bursting to break-out. We all need face-to-face interaction, genuine conversation and laughter. We need to stand back, feel-a-group-out and contribute easily. We also need a good drink, some great food and a chance to sit back and listen to a speaker.
The Business Side
Aside from the above, face-to-face client & prospect events are proven to have a 40% conversion rate1 for new business. With virtual meetings & events being relatively new, conversion-rates on them are not clear or solidly established yet. We expect that participation rates of virtual events are higher – as on-line events are easy to join & be a part of – but ‘participation’ does not mean ‘conversion’. Time and data will tell on this (but my gut tells me it will be lower).
Over my 8+years in the corporate event-management business, I have consistently witnessed long-lasting business relationships – and friendships – start over a drink and a hosted (in-person) event. Many of my own current partnerships started this way.
Now is the time to start planning
Anyway, now is not time to hold such an event, but you can/should start thinking about it. Make sure “in-person client and prospect events” ARE in your late-Fall, early-2021 marketing plans. Restaurants will be at limited capacity (by law) and available event space will be at a premium soon.
You will need to assure your company and guests you will host these safely and smartly. This will take time, attention and expertise. We have been working with trusted restaurant/event-space partners to be ready for events in Sept & October this year. Let us help you plan and deliver a ground-breaking, safe event.
Be a true, confident leader in your industry. Your event-invitation will be at a premium. People are READY to get out and have a drink (or two!) with someone outside their home/bubble!!
1 Oxford Economics USA, The Return on Investment of U.S. Business Travel, research report for the United States Travel Association, September 2009