Years Ahead of the Need: Hosting a Meeting and Dinner
Setting the foundation for future growth/plans
The Situation: Our client knew they would be expanding into new territories in the coming years. Smartly, they decided to host local meetings and events in those new cities, 2-3 years in advance– to introduce themselves to regional stakeholders and influencers (possible partners, investors, regulators, government entities).
Without local and/or in-house resources available, we were asked to plan and manage these (very) important relationship-building day-events.

Our work included (for 15+ events over 5+ years, in multiple cities):
- Sourcing appropriate venues and meeting partners (AV; caterers; etc.) . Contracting & managing them.
- Creating & sending invitations. Managing RSVP’s and Attendee Lists
- Developing/managing the strategic briefing document for internal attendees (who targets whom; backgrounds & biographies; meeting/contact objectives)
- Managing the meeting & event agendas
- Designing/producing event materials (for day-meeting & evening reception/dinner (incl. an attendee Welcome Kit))
- On-site support and meeting management (for most)
- Attendee feedback & follow-up
- Budget management, reporting & reconciliation
The Results:
- With positive feedback and tangible results from each event, over 15 of these were conducted in 7+ countries (over a 5+ year period).
- These events were very impactful, very successful for the client’s long-term growth strategy.